Monday 29 April 2013

Cameron Highlands


I know I promised many things for this next post, but first let me show you where I went this weekend. It made me very happy to go, and I am therefore very impatient to blog about it. Malaysians warned me that the Cameron Highlands are very cold. I agree--it was probably only around 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. I nearly went into hypothermia, but luckily I had a hoodie. The area is full of tea plantations and strawberry farms, with plenty of opportunities for tourists to ogle impossibly green hills and scarf down scones with strawberry jam. I took full advantage of these opportunities. I was in the region for an English camp which was also a lot of fun. English camps, one- or two-day affairs that bring together students from different schools for a Saturday of fun activities in English, are a real highlight of the ETA experience. You get to see kids come out of their shells a little bit and stop worrying about getting the correct answers. The ETAs usually do a really good job of running high energy camps. I never thought I'd find myself in front of 60 high schoolers leading them in rousing renditions of silly songs (including motions!) but somehow this works at English camp.

Here are some pictures from the Cameron Highlands that will make you think I made a long detour to Ireland, or maybe Austria or something. I had a really excellent time and really enjoyed the scenery, so I will overload you with pictures now.

Good thing I always have to go to the bathroom. This was the view from the window at our first stop for scones. 

We refrained.
Alpine village?

Cloud shadows always make me think of my dad,  I think because he was the first person to point them out to me. Thanks,

Cafe/museum/one big advertisement at the Boh Tea Plantation. Boh is the brand I drink here. Can't say it's excellent, but they sure have a nice plantation.

Out of focus, but I wanted you to see the furry texture of the tea plants.

Reading: On the Way to the Wedding, an only-semi-trashy romance novel. I enjoyed it, actually.

Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami. Awesome so far.

Still still still remembering things past.

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