Sunday 14 April 2013

Balinese Temple Mania

Ok, trying to keep in the blogging habit despite extreme fatigue. I think I'll just post some pictures of the many, many temples and interesting places I got to see in Bali and put off my thoughts on Yogyakarta for next time. Thoughts are tiring (and sometimes tiresome), I think you'll agree.

Taman Ayun

Spot the temple cat. 

Pura Bratan

My favoritest EVAAAA.

Tanah Lot

Leapin' Lizards! Holy snake!

Strawberry Stop

We stopped at a hillside strawberry place where you can pick your own (not that day) and enjoy delicious strawberry treats. 

Ok, yes, it's very backlit. Deal with it.

The only beach we visited in Bali.

Git Git Waterfall--also featuring, what else, a temple! 

Good night and good luck, folks. 

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