Sunday 24 February 2013

This is what caring looks like

Two of my friends from home, Bridget and Joeie, sent me the world's most amazing care package this week. I've known these two caring ladies since kindergarten and first grade, respectively, and I don't know what I would do without them around to watch Rat Race with me many more times than is probably appropriate for a normally-developing young person.

The care package arrived at my school, and everyone was very interested in the large box with glitter peeking through the taped seams. I think the students hoped it held presents for them, poor little rascals. It was actually mine, all mine. There was a message scrawled in sharpie on the outside of the box: "Liz, you'll want to open this outside." I knew this would be the latest in a succession of glitter filled packages that at once overwhelm you with love and attack you with an infestation of glitter that your room won't be rid of for months. Bridget and Joeie have really mastered the art of the care package glitter bomb. When I got the package home, I opened it outside my door without even going through my daily routine of ripping off my baju kurung, changing into shorts and tank top, and pouring myself a cold glass of water--the suspense was that overwhelming.

I'd describe what was inside, but photos say it better. This is just a selection of the goodies I got:

Remember when Lisa Frank stickers made you feel like this? I now own 1, 885 of them, which should be enough to give all my students fabulous stickers as prizes, whether they like it or not.


1 comment:

  1. Now that I figured out how to comment, I figured I should comment on my favorite blog post! So glad it got there in one piece! So here is the story:

    Ok so we were at Bridget's house assembling this masterpiece when she decides it would be a good idea to pour glitter right straight into the box. There was no turning back. We taped it up, an that was that.

    Fast forward a couple days. I brought it with me to work so that I could stop at the post office at the end of the day on my way home. As I was getting out of my car, I was like, I need to warn Liz to open this outside...I don't know how abundant vacuums are in Malaysia. So I wrote, Liz, you are going to want to open this outside. I waited in a very long line and when it was finally my turn, I say I need to send this to Malaysia and he asks if I filled out the customs form and I was like I have no idea what you're talking about. He said I would be here for a while and gave me a heaping pile of forms. I go to a table area and I start to fill out the form and they are asking me for the contents of the box. And they only give me like 4 small lines. Well as you know from receiving this package, there are a lot more than just 4 things. (Like seriously, I'm a 23 year old woman, what do I write? Lisa Frank stickers? Hungry hungry hippos? Sticky hand toy? Like seriously.) I wrote down 4 vague items finished filling it out (which wasn't easy since they wanted me to fill in your address but it didn't account for the fact that your address isn't formatted the same way as in America. I didn't know what any bit of your address meant. So I just made up what I thought was the street, state, etc and luckily it got there!) But when I go to the next available postal worker, she said that my description wasn't detailed enough. And if it wasn't detailed enough, it would probably be opened. Now at this point I'm thinking, Shit, I pity the fool who opens this glitter infested hell in a box. She even suggested I use a smaller, sturdier box they have in the post office there, and I was like, no thank you, I really really don't want to do that!! I never did mention anything about the glitter to anyone. I feel like that would have really jeopardized it even leaving the state. So now we get to paying for the shipping, and she's like, well to get it there the fastest it will be $130 (something like that, I forget the exact figure now) but I literally screamed $130!! and I like jumped back I was so shocked! I was like lets get it there as slow as possible, how much does that cost?!?! So $53 didn't seem so bad after that, and it actually only took 2 weeks to get there! I think its funny that the glitter bomb got there faster than your postcard! But anyway, it was quite an adventure at the post office, and Bridget will be mailing your Easter/everyotherholidaycausewearepoor package next time!! :)

    Oh, and after I left I called my mom to tell her about it, and she was like, if glitter is made of bits of metal, it might not get past the metal detectors. So I was like oh shit there is so much glitter in there! And that warning I wrote on the outside of the box for you to open it outside might sound kind of bomb threat like! And then for some reason she started to talk about bail bonds (she changed the subject without warning) and I was like oh my god I could actually be arrested for this??? Hahaha I was all kinds of paranoid!! :)
